April 28, 2010

Follow Your Heart

Only 3 weeks before my graduation, I am quite impressed by the speech delivered by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, on June 12, 2005. Steve Job shares three personal stories with very insightful concept, and concludes his speech with a meaningful idiom “stay hungry, stay foolish”. The 15-minute address gives me a reflection on my own life, especially his first and last concept.

The first concept Steve shares is about every dots in our life is connected. A decision-making will always lead to a whole new different life. Since I am going to graduate soon, I look backward on my student life which is full of unexpected and valuable experience. Making the decision of changing my major from international trade to foreign language is a turning point in my life. I was a student major in trading at college with good ranks in my class. However, I regardless others’ kindly suggestion of keeping on commercial field, I decided to prepare university entrance exam for foreign language. Now I connect all the dots, if I never make the decision, I will never be a student in NTUST; I will never experience a wonderful English learning environment; I will never receive the scholarships to go New Zealand; and now, I will never be here to write the reflection to look backward on my student life.

The other is of Steve’s closest encounter with death brought out the concept of following your heart, and listen to your inner voice. Often, I look for suggestions when every time I am in difficulties not only from my parents, teachers, but from friends or even some random ideas on the internet. For me, it is very easy to forget to calm down myself and listen to my own heart of what I really want. I strongly like the quote that “if today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” I believe live everyday meaningful without any regrets is the best way to treat our life. Life and time are limited, why should I live in others’ thinking which made myself really uncomfortable. Believe my own heart, because there is only ME who can be the one I wanted to be.

Thanks to have the chance to listen to Steve Job’s speech. Keep the courage of following your heart and intuition is one of the important messages through his aspiring sharing. Even though I am still in the search of what I want to be, I believe as long as I listen to my inner heart and follow my deep voice, I am able to have the courage to confront any highs and lows, gains and losses.

1 comment:

  1. Really, you majored in international trade before? I'm glad things turned out fine and you seem to have a fruitful college life.
